Title: My Father The...
Genre: Dramatic Action
Plot: A father and spy (Jason Moon) is thought to be killed during espionage work according to enemies in North Korea. The North Koreans report him as dead to the country's media outlets outing him as an example of their mission's success even though they know no absolute proof he is for a fact dead. The American government discreetly tells his wife that her husband may be alive but they cannot leak out that information because if they can find him before the Koreans they'll need the information he got. So the mother is instructed to raise her 2 year old son to believe his father walked out on them if he is still missing but not confirmed dead as he gets older. He can only know the truth if he makes it home or is confirmed dead. The father Harold Jackson did survive the assassination attempt by blowing up the building he was in before the Koreans did from the other end of the building less weaker explosives causing the building to fall down in a dynamo effect which the Koreans wouldn't notice because the screen in which they see the detonation can only shown an explosion of some relative strength went off assuming it was the back end of the explosion which has weaker force rather than thinking it was the initial point of a weaker explosion. Having survived Harold now realizes what the CIA would do in this scenario giving similar situations he saw in training and initiation. Not wanting his young son to grow up with the scars of thinking he was abandoned he decides to do the radical thing and not try to cross Korean borders to another country's American embassy or contact a meeting to be pick up there by radio signals. Instead he boards a boat deporting Koreans into human trafficking to a different parts of America some will be sent to places from California to Maine from an undisclosed port in the Pacific Coast. From there he will find his way home to Annapolis, Maryland. However trying to escape pass the human traffickers he noticed and simply shot and discarded as unknown unwilling slave with no background check obviously, thus leaving him to die a more humiliating anonymous death and a family that doesn't know the truth.
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