Friday, April 10, 2009

Poetry Post 183

Plea To The Prosecutors
Never say living in sin
A verbal war will begin
That you will never win
I'll never understand how the unvictimized hold a grudge
As if they had some divine right to judge
A heart so stubborn to refuse to budge
If they are sinners then who's the victim
It is they not you facing the problem
Then why do you condescend to and hate them

Plea To The Haters
I mirror the feelings you show
If you plant love then love will grow
But if you hate then I hate
I mimic what you demonstrate
Whatever you give to me you get in return
If you make me cry I'll make you mourn
You can't ask for better than you give
If you produce pain then in pain you should live

Troubled Minds & Treacherous Hearts
In times of a bind
Those of troubled mind
Seek to find
Truth even if led by the blind
But with each man's treacherous heart
Satan has the head start
And a liar can make the foolish sound smart
And then people seek the soothing senses of a poisoned dart

Poetry Post 182

George W Bush In DC
Gun freaks
Energy crisis
Old Boys Club
Global Warming
Business affiliates
Unlimited arms
Social Darwinism
Nuclear warfare

Minority Scholarship
Society forbids minority scholarships from tearing down the racial wall
Because it distracts from skinheads playing college football
Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness but not education for all
Whatever happened to the last shall become first and the first last
How else are we going to heal the wounds of the past
If society ain't racist then how come equalists are the iconoclast

Death Honor
Kill or get killed; it is the only way to get commemorated
Martyrs and murderers are the only ones celebrated
Be a soldier and get decorated
Honored, revered after you're cremated
Or become incarcerated
For the lives you desecrated
Either way in death you know you'll make it