Friday, January 30, 2009

Volume 18th trilogy of poetry

Money Cycle
Money flows through like the waters of the earth and sky
It vapors up and rains back down passing itself by
But people live in fear and doubt
When amidst a never ending drought
Water stores itself in immeasurable masses in the sky
As vegetation and wildlife whither and die
The earth pleads and it calls
But no rain water falls
Praying for rain is vanity
When the clouds keep their humidity
It will with the right pressure stay in its place
Destroying the earth in a slow agonizing pace

Tuned Out
Communication has no effect
My senses have disconnect
I can no longer recognize your face
I'm at home and lost in space
Nothing imports to my brain
So your attention is in vain
But thank you for being there
So when I wake I'll know you care
For when my wandering's done
We both know I'll need someone

Ode To Eve
I could have every tree in my garden but it's not paradise without you
I could keep a zoo of pets in my den but it's not paradise without you
Even though my land has always flourished and the sky is ever blue
I am too lonely to call it paradise without you
I could have infinite time
And every mountain to climb
But it's not paradise without you
I could have the softest flower bed
But loneliness would fill my head
For it is not paradise without you

Man's Best Friends Scene VIII

(Mike at Elizabeth's Victorian House, her room by the front door with a window)
Mike (dog): Now to ring the doorbell (reaching for the bell, then stops). Wait I can't ring the bell I have to bark. Man it's a hassle dealing with normal people. (Barks in an obnoxious yelping style, lights turn on inside)
Elizabeth (librarian): (exasperating sigh) That neighbor's dog again. It never shuts up. (rolls over in bed as seen from a window by the front door)
Mike: What the he- I went all the way here from Cardinal no Princeton Road, just to get shut out. Hell no I'm getting in (Tries to jump in through window) Ah I'll just wait at the library. How far is Martin Luther King from here? (Elizabeth opens the front door to let her cat out)
Elizabeth: There you go kitty. (Mike barks loudly chasing the cat as it screeches out of sight) Oh darn Brian's dog what's it's name? Thomas? David? No that's the hamster. Wait Mike (Yells) Mike Mike come on over here (playfully gentle) Come here Mike come on come on over here.
Mike: (turns around) Elizabeth what are you doing here? (walks over to Elizabeth as she reaches down to pet him) Oh yeah she can't hear me
Elizabeth: Ah sweet baby what are you doing here?
Mike: You answer me first crazy lady you can't hear me anyway.
Elizabeth: Stay here until I come back with Bettie my cat (walk down the street to get Bettie)
Mike: I gotta do something about my reaction to cats. Why do I attack them? Was I raised that way? Brian never wanted me to attack but then my biological father had a strong feline prejudice. When did I become him? (Elizabeth comes walking back with Bettie in her arms)
Bettie: Screw you, you dumb mangy mutt.
Mike: I think I found my answer. Didn't even give me time to apologize that ugly puss.
Elizabeth: God it's only five o clock in the morning. I could return Mike before work but I don't know his schedule.
Mike: (sarcastically) I believe he has a business meeting at the office with the tv, the computer and the fridge. (pants in laughter)
Elizabeth: Oh wait today's Saturday. I don't work today. I'll wait until nine and then (lifting and rubbing Mike) I'll take you home.
Mike: (relaxed) Um a cuddler Brian is gonna love you.

Volume Seventeen Poetry

The Pure And Simple Truth
I read the Bible and I find the truth
I know there is a God and I have the proof
Only Truth is eternal
Without it the soul is mortal
I see God treasures all that he gives to birth
He treasures the home he gave- the Earth
I fear no burning flames of hell
What the future holds only prophesy can tell
The only holy wars have no sword
My only general is the Lord
Jesus Christ is his personal name
His father Jehovah is in union with but not the same
It is not Him but Satan it is to blame
For all the sins that bring us to shame
It is Satan who owns the world but not the Earth
The greed and hate of politics he gives to birth
Love is giving, Greed is ungraciously getting
Never acknowledging others, his brothers he is forgetting
All things tangible are simply mortal
Don't trust them they're not eternal
Unless they synchronize with the Holy and Good
It will fall from where once it stood
Unless one can live the truth simple and pure
It will be impossible Armageddon to endure

Love Is All You Need
The deaf will hear and the blind will see
The dead shall rise to make a new society
To mark love can cause anything to be
For God is love and makes anything a possibility
Hate and pride only bring animosity
Quick fixes and easy outs are only temporary
Nothing everlasting came from greed
But the world will see love is all you need

Destruction Of Peace
Death does not achieve freedom
War does not maintain a kingdom
Destruction will always come
Where destruction is brought from