Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Poetry Post 287

Eternal Spouse
You are the easiest pleasure to dream
Because you are as beautiful as you seem
I fear no vulnerability in our intimacy
Because you've put your full trust in me
From friend to fantasy
You fulfill every need in me
I am father to you as you are mother to me
As we rely on each other's maturity
A true symbiotic love life of give and take
Living securely on a lifeline too deadly to break
Secure in the total presence of each other when we wake
Because we know our love can only live by what we make

My Dancing Girl
Standing alone leaning against the wall
Watching all the people dance in the hall
I finally ask the girls to dance with me
At first not one girl would say yes to my plea
So back to the wall, for the lonely, for me
How I wished for a girl to end my misery
Then I had to try again or just take the grief
Then I got my long awaited relief
A girl I had asked said yes she would
From that answer everything seemed good
I danced slowly with the girl so beautiful
My dancing girl shined on a day so awful

Sell Out
It seems that if you sell out people listen to you
And do as you want them to do
But if you're true to yourself and say what you want to say
People turn and look the other way
But the fakers always live with regret
That no one they ever met
Knew who they were or what they were about
For they thought their identity they could live without
But those who are true have little to regret
For those who they have met
Knew who they were and what they were about
And those who didn't like them they realized they could do without

Poetry Post 286

Corperica loves a brother held back
Forced into the ghetto forced to sell crack
If darkie ain't shining our shoes
He's still smiling as he sings the blues
Marked as ignorant and a national threat
Corperica hasn't looked into the mirror yet
If any Negro tries to rise above second class
Fight back to any whitey giving off sass
Corperica will fry him in the electric chair
What's another lump of human mass Corperica doesn't care
When the machines replace man
Absolute power will be in the hands of the Klan
White and ghetto trash thrown into the slums
Slaving away to survive becoming the hardest working "bums"
But when Corperica's power is complete
The riots will be coming to their street

Mediocre Middle Class Blues
It's hard to feel sorry for your cold
When plagues kill millions left untold
If you're overdrawn at the bank
And can't afford to fill up the tank
Just be thankful that you have someplace to stay
Then maybe you'll wonder why you were trying to get away
If minimum wage has got you annoyed
Think of the millions left homeless and unemployed
Do you think you're entitled to good fortune and good health
When it was a mere twist of fortune you were born with moderate wealth

Fish In The Sea

This is for my aborted love
This is for the one I let go of
On a dock with nothing but an empty pole and a wish
But the shallow end produces no fish
I never had any caught
But maybe I would have if I fought
But I can't catch by force or by lure
So I sit lonely on the shore
So my only love is the hope and the wish
As my bait catches my fish
Now I am still a lonely soul
Who remorsefully threw away his fishing pole