Sunday, January 25, 2009

Volume 13 of Poetry

Humor (Haiku)
Humor is God's gift
A shield for humanity
A bonding of kin

Regret (Haiku)
Regret can't amend
Cannot fix sins of the past
Simply fades away

Pro Active Pro Earth (Haiku)
Pro active pro Earth
Giving nature a rebirth
Saving it from death

Man's Best Friends -Scene III

(Brian at the park walking with Mike at a private area while Mike looks for a spot to urinate)
Brian (man): Now remember, we're in public so don't say anything I might respond to because if I say something out of the blue people will think I'm crazy.
Mike (dog): Obviously Doctor Doolittle. Don't worry if for nothing else I'm not going to ruin my meal ticket.
Brian: Good to know your priorities are straight
Mike: Don't bite the hand that feeds you
Brian: You did last night?
Mike: Well don't disturb me when I'm with Missy.
Brian: The Yorkshire Terrier?
Mike: No, the Scottish Terrier
Brian: How come dogs can have multiple sexual partners without the females getting mad?
Mike: Because it's for reproduction not pleasure
Brian: You seem to enjoy it a lot?
Mike: Hey as long as the females think that we get a good thing going and I'm not going to mess it up.
(Brian spots Elizabeth the librarian across the field reading Cyrano De Bergerac on a park bench)
Brian: (worried) Mike did you forget this is the time and day Elizabeth the librarian reads in the park?
Mike: (fake casual) It is? Damn my ADD. By the way can you see what she's reading?
Brian: It looks like Cyrano De Bergerac.
Mike: That's what I thought; I saw her walk out of the book store on my walk the other day. You are so in.
Brian: How?
Mike: First I know you recommended that book to her, you've told me about every hour since you did it last week and second if she likes the main character you are so freakin' in.
Brian: What if she hates the book, what if she thinks it is some fluff of over idealized love and passion by some emotional lonely freak?
Mike: Think about it, has any woman said that about any romantic play in history?
Brian: No
Mike: So don't worry.
(Mike leads Brian out casually to the bench where Elizabeth is sitting)
Brian: (casual and nervous) Oh hi Elizabeth it's wonderful to see you today out here in the park, so what are you reading?
Elizabeth: (chuckles and smiles) Are you always this nervous or just around me?
Brian: (gasps) I'm not nervous, well I am but don't take it personally I'm like this with everyone actually, it's nothing in particular.
Elizabeth: (comfortingly and casual) Well don't worry (she gets up and reaches out to hold Brian's shoulder as Brian gets noticeable awkward) social situations get better with experience and before you know it you can have perfectly normal human interactions and then even a comfortable relationship. (she leaves)
Brian: Another day another conversation (frustrated) another pity comfort compliment. God. This is frustrating; do you think she's on to my crush?
Mike: It's sort of obvious and then again sort of not, if she sees you act nervously around others what you did would seem perfectly natural. She kind of shot you down earlier than I thought she would.
Brian: (sarcastically) Thanks for the verification.

12th Part of Poetry

Autumn Nights

On a cool, breezy autumn night
With the dim shine of the full moon light
With the leaves falling from the tree
Falling to cover me
Being caressed by the soft night air
Calming my every nightmare
And the tender grass tickles me
And everything lays in harmony

The Seeker

All my life I have followed and I have fought
But what I wanted is what I never got
I've been to the ocean's depth and the mountain's peak
But even after a hundred years I'll never find what I seek
Looking forever without a map
Looking forever in this death trap
Looked through the sea, searched through the sky
But never found a love that wouldn't die
All passion has an end
As I'm left without a friend

Fashion Fascism

Fashion is a fascist nation
Where looks determine association
If Jesus lived in our generation
He'd be set off in isolation
Unless he dressed in a hundred dollar brand name
And had a generic gym body frame
Spent a million to be more of the same
Just to be in a winnerless game
Even though he wouldn't give in to pressure
He couldn't share his treasure
In a world seeking instant pleasure
He would be weighed on a faulty measure