Genre: Coming of Age Drama
Plot: A depressed teenage Jehovah's Witness has to learn to deal with being middle of the road watching some friends go to missionary school and others getting disfellowshipped. Spending his days at community college coasting through wondering how his spirituality is and where to find love and acceptance
Peter Gilliam-shy main character forced between two lanes
Mary Gilliam-older saintly sister of Peter
Susan Gilliam-younger more social sister of Peter
Mickey Jones-close friend who moves away
David Chapman-secondary friend who later gets disfellowshipped for premarital sex
George Starkey-replacement friend who gets disfellowshipped for smoking
Jonathon Melkin-older friend of Peter who goes to missionary school
Paul Dole-friend who goes to Bethel
Cynthia Dawson-girl of Peter's affection with a mother who is a Witness and an ever absent father who isn't
Beth Kidman-school friend of Susan who studies to be a Witness and is involved in human rights, green culture, and gun control
Scene Sequence:
1) Years of insignificant youth reviewed in first person
2) Warming up to the congregation
3) No child friends except Mickey and David Peter befriends the elders
4) Enthusiastic burst of theocratic energy in the door to door ministry
5) First days of school (kindergarten)
6) Getting use to stupid questions from students (how come every grade every holiday and birthday)
7) Trying to connect with Mickey and David
8) Mary Gilliam is baptized and joins missionary school
9) Mickey and Peter connect video games, bikes and books
10) Susan befriends Cynthia and many other young girls in the congregation
11) Peter bonds with Jonathon and Paul who are 10 years his senior
12) Peter invites David to join in who reluctantly joins in
13) Years of bonding formed as they get into growing genres of music and film
14) The desires of youth set in the hearts of Peter, David, and Mickey
15) Peter tries to win the affection of Cynthia
16) Mickey announces his family is moving to Massachusettes
17) The big move
18) George is added to the group
19) Further failed attempts to win Cynthia's affection
20) A final rejection
21) Bullied at school for not saluting the flag during wartime
22) Nice women worldly women with abusive worldly boyfriends make Peter question the stigma of interfaith relationships
23) Father figure and long time friend Jonathon announces he will do missionary work in Africa
24) Peter meets Beth through Susan' Bible study with her and Peter and Beth connect over philosophy, theology, social events and art
25) George gets disfellowshipped for smoking
26) Peter and Beth bond at school lunch
27) Peter finds out Cynthia is dating a school bully and suspects she is sleeping with him
28) Peter hangs out with David talking about how he feels about Beth and what he thinks about Cynthia
29) Paul Dole volunteers at the Watchtower Tract Society
30) The goodbye
31) Lonely nights of teen angst
32) Peter finds out David is getting disfellowshipped for premarital sex
33) Peter phones in door to door ministry work feeling like a phony
34) Peter confronts elders about his feelings of alienation but nothing supportive can be said that Peter feels applicable
35) Vague ambiguous ending of Peter tormented by options of his future tries to ride away on his bike but gets lost in circles
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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