Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Personal Ad

In a little while I will try to make it as a writer by first publishing with Author House and move into screenplays by joining the Writer's Guild of America. And when or if I ever get to make films or have bestselling books I would like the following female celebrities to meet me because I always dreamed of meeting an artistic/expressive person to fall in love with and everybody has celebrity crushes usually more than a few so don't think low of me for this list of hopefuls, but meet me if you want especially if you are on my dream girlfriend list
(five deal breakers: smokers (strict rule), alcoholics, actively pro-choice (personal value but okay if you don't agree so long as you don't plan on having an abortion), gun freaks (another personal value), eating disorder (I've been through that drama personally), racist (another personal value))
Brief reasons for this selection between their name and their picture

Mandy Moore
religious upbringing
suffers depression (relate-able)
simply beautiful
honor student
sense of humor

America Ferrera
beautiful complexion and figure
sense of humor

Amanda Bynes
sense of humor
honor student
plain hot

Jordin Sparks
religious upbringing
great figure and complexion

Heather Kuzmich
Asperger's Syndrome (strong common factor)
same area of interests video games, art

Katy Perry
religious upbringing (despite reputation)
great figure
sense of humor

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