Friday, February 6, 2009

Part 31 Poetry (and still so much left)

The Future That Isn't Ours We Condemn
The children are the future so let's blame them
Let the adult authority be free to act on whim
The machines of blood will be sold off our hands
Sent to kill people in a million lands
But we shall never fear or hide
For we call it another man's genocide
We don't have to worry about the sea, the land or the sky
Let the children save it we have no need to comply
The earth isn't going to vanish before we die
Let the children find out how, we have no reason why
When you are the power and ultimate authority
You can always pass the buck to another to handle the responsibility

They Killed You
They killed you Lord they killed you
They killed you and blamed it on the Jew
They killed you Lord by hate and intolerance
They hated your Word but used it at their own expense
They killed you Lord they killed you by slander and libel
They killed you Lord by rewriting the Bible
They called you a hater, a man of warfare
They called you careless indifferent to our welfare
Christian minds turn atheist from their lies
They defended genocide in your name for their enterprise

No one is talking about the resurrection
Just their defective erection
And hopes of a competent election
In the market talking about natural selection
While truth lays beyond their detection
Blind to the cure of their infection
Sheltered by Harm disguised as Protection
Building walls around Godly affection
And walls that block self-inspection
The Whores of Babylon continue to entice
To just keep buying that crappy merchandise
Exploiting but never remembering Christ
Never looking twice
At the price
Or even thinking about the sacrifice
Or stopping to take instead of giving advice
But I know I should speak nice
Because this is my own vice

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