Sunday, June 28, 2009

Poetry Post 309

I wish we would look at the insects with distinction
Instead of poisoning them all into extinction
I wish our poison had the power to discern the termite from the ant and the wasp from the bee
I wish we had the wisdom to discern which creatures had the right to be free
I wish our sense of justice wouldn't let us be so apathetic to the rights of God's creation
I wish we had God's love so we could be patient enough to evaluate the situation

Desperate Sexual Masochism
I am a dirty selfish lover
Your body's not mine to discover
I am nothing more than your sex slave
Do with my body as your wrathful lust may crave
All I ask is for fleshly intimate discipline
So I can feel your heat against my skin
My whole soul is for you to bite, claw, spit and hit
As long as I feel you there's pleasure in all the pain I get

Lonely Ones
Living in a small dump of a chicken coop
Eating Chef Boyardee's Lonely Hearts Tomato Soup
But I need something more like Chicken Soup For The Soul
To finally make myself whole
I've come to find the battle of the sexes
Stems from the wars of the exes
Our hearts never budge
When holding a grudge
Our hearts will never change position
Till we learn to love without condition
We have to relearn what is innate
Once we've been taught to hate

The Union

Farmer Neil:
Hey Thoreau I'm sorry about how I talked to you
Everything you said was right and I knew
But in desperation I hoped it wasn't true
It may be true but it got me fired
And all the fightings just left me tired
And a burnt out man is seldom hired
Farmer Neil:
Perhaps you could help with my new enterprise
I'm trying to get the farmers to unionize
Well that certainly is a surprise
But I hate tobacco so why ask me?
Farmer Neil:
Because from within unions regulate the industry
They can't sell our products without our productivity
And if they evict you from their land
They can't meet the supply and demand
So their profits are at your command