Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Philosophy Of Will Scene VI

(Earth at the time of Armageddon with Jesus and Satan)
Satan: War, famine, pestilence and finally the knight in shining armor. How just, if only you could have saved the billions already dead.
Jesus: From those who suffered death to those who survived till now all righteous man will be rewarded with the life they deserved a chance at.
Satan: Is it righteous that you wait this long? Earth polluted, families destroyed, religion in shambles from its own hypocrisy, violence in the heart of everyman just waiting for the moment to pull out their sword, shattered economies everywhere dividing the obesely wealthy and the despondently underprivileged.
Jesus: It is because of these issues that it is now fair that I cast you into the Lake of Fire for a thousand years because there is no generation left to come without the Millennial intervention.
Satan: That's cheating!
Jesus: I suppose you forgotten the details of the wager.
Satan: Wager? What did I have to gain?
Jesus: Nothing you were destined to lose as you assumed no man would stay righteous serving for the glory of Jehovah to be a testament to the glory of Creation exercising love and wisdom in their free will. Outside their perfect state when none can fully draw close to their Divine Father they can't obtain the pure justice and pure power to rule in true peace but now 144,000 from Earth being in union with God's love they have Jehovah's blessing to co-rule with me as they are made fit to. Man has returned by faith in my fine works to the true ideal of God's image now be gone to the Lake of Fire.
(Satan casted off)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Philosophy Of Will Scene V

(30 A.D. in the wilderness with Jesus and Satan)
Satan: So how does your fleshly vessel suit you? Are you at ease, knowing what urges you must satisfy and which you must suppress?
Jesus: The birds know how to nest and the bees know how to pollinate but the instincts of imperfect man is distorted.
Satan: So you do find humans a distasteful disappointment.
Jesus: The fault lies not with them for those powers are beyond them but I shall sacrifice myself for those who recognize the good they must try to aspire for.
Satan: It is vain for they shall never attain purity.
Jesus: I shall lead all willing to follow that road.
Satan: It's a small road with a lot of distractions; natural distractions and unnatural distractions. How much sin can be made for the want of a single loaf of bread. Speaking of which 40 days fasting must leave you hungry.
Jesus: In my mortal state my physical needs are the same as any man.
Satan: It's a shame the most basic needs must sometimes trump the more heavenly needs. A finger of food can mean more than two fists full of justice. So why don't you command these stones to become as bread to nourish you.
Jesus: As Moses wrote man must not live on bread alone but on every utterance of Jehovah's mouth.
Satan: So it is true you are protected by Holy Spirit. Doesn't it invalidate your sacrifice knowing you are protected? I don't suppose it matters whether you look to the left or to the right as God will not let you die until the appointed time? Or perhaps you're just delusional? A false impression of grandeur?
Jesus: Then why do you tempt me?
Satan: Don't I tempt all man great and small alike?
Jesus: The liar speaks truth in quizzical puzzles.
Satan: So if you really are the Son of God prove it by throwing yourself off this ledge as Moses said in the psalm 'He shall give His angels charge over thee lest thou dash thy foot against a stone'
Jesus: And Moses wrote thou shall not tempt God that's your preoccupation.
Satan: You're still awhile away from your inheritance. In fact you shall die first. You won't be protected then. The Kingdom of Heaven and Earth is through a road of Hell for you but it doesn't have to be you could have all the glory and power on Earth now as it is entrusted to me the nations of man. If you shall form an allegiance with me all these nations in my power shall be yours only sacrifice your allegiance to God and it's all yours with no other payment or ransom.
Jesus: As Moses wrote to God alone I shall worship.
Satan: Fine then I'll see you in hell.

The Philosophy Of Will Scene IV

(About a millennium later in heaven with Jehovah, Jesus and others)
(Satan enters)
Jehovah: Where have you been?
Satan: Roaming about the Earth watching my triumph up close.
Jehovah: Then I suppose you haven't seen Job?
Satan: As a matter of fact I have.
Jehovah: Then you see the wisdom in righteousness
Satan: I see the profit in righteousness but would righteousness mean anything if no profit came of it?
Jesus: The point is that moral wisdom is always the most profitable.
Satan: In the long run, but if the mighty had the race and the wise the understanding then where is the test of faith?
Jehovah: No test in needed when you can read hearts.
Satan: And I'm just supposed to take your word on that or cannot I test it for myself.
Jehovah: You may test it, for anything you can do I can undo, but for the sake of this test I will not interfere until the test is over so long as you do not kill him.
Satan: He isn't mine to take until I corrupt him therefore if he is righteous you have nothing to fear, but as for his livestock and his seed that will be the first to go.
Jehovah: So be it he still praises me.
Satan: His wife shall discomfort him and what is man without a wife's support? Just a matching set missing one yet to discard itself.
Jesus: Hallelujah he rebukes her blasphemy
Satan: Flesh for flesh all that drives a man is his desire to survive.
Jesus: You mustn't kill him.
Jehovah: He won't but he will push his limits of existence until his pain surpasses death. It is a Satanic affliction not yet tested on man. Beware my Son for this is what you must endure.
Jesus: I have no fear for myself but in man's defected state can he maintain soundness in mind needed to keep integrity.
Jehovah: With my help all is possible.
Satan: That's cheating!
Jehovah: No, as food and rest nourish the man and is yet unchanged so is my essence to the spiritual being.
Satan: So as a virus I will enter into his friends to infect Job with spiritual ailment.
Jesus: And Job, with love for God's wisdom, wards off the disease like a pharmacist.
Jehovah: Nothing Elizer, Bildad or Zophar says has any affect only Elihu as he speaks with wisdom.
Satan: Livestocks of thousands robbed and slain, ten children dead, a marriage practically shattered and betrayal by friends yet his only sin provoked is a sense of self-justification.
Jesus: He has passed the test what greater sense of justification or self satisfaction can there be.
Jehovah: And so this test will be laid to rest as I set these five straight and adjudicate each to their own good and their own bad.

The Philosophy Of Will Scene III

(In heaven with Satan talking with the other angels around 800 years later)
Satan: Look at them Zeus, just look at them.
Zeus: Yeah what about then?
Satan: Just look
Zeus: Yeah
Satan: What do you see?
Zeus: Some of Jehovah's finest work
Satan: What's so special about it? They live off of the oxygen provided by the plants they have to eat, how inefficient is that? Not only do they have to live on plants if they take too many or too few they would die. Slaves to moderation. And their means of reproduction! Starfish have a more practical means of reproduction.
Zeus: I'm sure man is thankful for their means of reproduction
Satan: I'm not denying that it's the one good thing about being a man
Zeus: The food's nice too
Satan: The fruit of the tree is nothing compared to the fruit of a should try it.
Zeus: Have you ever tried it?
Satan: Yes of course
Zeus: When? With whom?
Satan: Her, yesterday.
Zeus: How?
Satan: Possession.
Zeus: You raped?
Satan: Sex is sex, one can't be worse than the other, but if you want to experience consensual sex you could just transform yourself into a man and try wooing her yourself.
Zeus: I can transform myself into a man and have sex with the women of the Earth?
Satan: Yes if you become the right sort of man who can attract women.
Zeus: How do you do that?
Satan: How does a hunter attract its prey but by dominance, the predator must overpower.
Zeus: So I should be a mighty man?
Satan: But pleasing too, to look at, you need confidence to match your sense of entitlement.
Zeus: That sounds wrong?
Satan: Aren't we all entitled? Everyman to his field, his family and his woman.
Zeus: God did make it so?
Satan: At least for them, not for us.
Zeus: Yeah why not?
Satan: God knows why?
Zeus: Well I'm going to find out what we're missing out on.
(Zeus leaves stage with a few angels)
Satan: Yes even if Enoch proved faithful losing some of heaven's best should show God's foolishness. Freewill is merely an illusion.
(Jesus enters)
Jesus: Freewill is most certainly not an illusion, you of all angels should know, you abuse it so often.
Satan: And you think you can speak of freewill? Have you ever had a thought of your own tuition?
Jesus: Did I not help make the heavens and Earth?
Satan: But everything you did you took no credit for until now, why?
Jesus: I do not deny the masterwork I took part in creating but I certainly do not hinder giving the greater glory to He who lead it all and designed the functions and initiated the project from its conception.
Satan: You are the manufacturer He is the inventor, He leads the tune and you just play along in harmony but what acts of your own do you do?
Jesus: Succumbing to peer pressure is not exercising freewill.
Satan: And how is obedience done by freewill? You do as you're told and where does that put your "divinely given" freewill?
Jesus: All things are permissible but not all things are wise. Without attaining wisdom what good is freewill?
Satan: What good is freewill? Were not Adam and Eve created wise?
Jesus: They didn't seek wisdom.
Satan: And now no man does. They are all driven by impulse.
Jesus: Abel, Enoch and even now as the Nephilim roam there is still Noah.
Satan: It's over the floodgates are open.
Jesus: Jehovah did not make Earth in vain. I'm aware of God's displeasure and even as the Nephilim grows God shall protect Noah. Zeus is just another one of your recruits but it only takes one witness to expose your slander and there will always be one.

The Philosophy Of Will Scene II

(in the Garden of Eden in front of the tree of knowledge of good and evil with Woman [Eve] and the serpent [Satan])
The Serpent: Woman
Woman: My husband calls me that
The Serpent: Is it not your name?
Woman: Yes, but how do you know it?
The Serpent: Is it also true that this Garden is yours?
Woman: It was given to my husband who in turn entrusts me with it.
The Serpent: So is it from any tree of the Garden that you may eat?
Woman: From any tree in the Garden we may eat except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil for to touch it we will positively die.
The Serpent: So why did you come over here?
Woman: I don't know I was just wandering.
The Serpent: Do you know why this solitary tree is forbidden out of all trees?
Woman: Because eating from it would mean death
The Serpent: Do you even know what death is?
Woman: It is the ceasing of existence.
The Serpent: Existence will not cease God knows that for a fact and that is why it is forbidden from you for in eating it you will have knowledge of good and evil, you will know like God does that existence cannot cease.
Woman: That makes sense but why wouldn't God tell us that? Perhaps I should ask Him why it is forbidden because I do not understand.
The Serpent: Why ask Him if you do not trust him?
Woman: I don't suppose I do trust Him after all it is called the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
(Woman takes the fruit and eats it as Adam sees her doing this)
Adam: Woman what are you doing?
Woman: Not dying.
Adam: So you're not.
(Adam takes a bite)
Woman: Do you feel God like?
Adam: No I feel vulnerable.
Woman: So do I.
Adam: I need protection, shelter.
Woman: So do I, give me that twig.
Adam: Why don't you get it if you're so wise?
Woman: Come on I feel naked
Adam: I'm getting out of here.
Woman: Where's that Serpent?
Adam: What Serpent?
Woman: The one who convinced me to eat from the tree.
Adam: You listened to a Serpent?
Woman: Don't yell at me.
(They run East)
Jehovah: Adam, Adam why are you hiding from the One who can see all?
Adam: I was hiding because I am naked and became ashamed.
Jehovah: How do you know you are naked? Who told you, you were?
Adam: I ate from the tree in the middle of the Garden Of Eden.
Jehovah: Why?
Adam: Because that Woman gave it to me to eat.
Woman: I did not you took it from me.
Jehovah: Silence, you have proven to be a disappointment. For the sake of your offspring you will live for a brief phase but you will positively die from this day and the life you shall have shall be of a diminished quality. No longer will food be in abundance but you shall labor, not only labor but also at times labor in vain for you took your responsibility in vain and Woman...
Woman: I only ate because the Serpent deceived me.
Jehovah: Nevertheless you listened without reason at the cost of your husband and offspring so on both their accounts your labor shall also increase and the Serpent shall crawl as the lowest of all Creation until a Righteous Seed shall rise to avenge his wrongdoing, his meddling is a bruise upon the heel that shall crush his head so that in which had empowered him for a moment shall destroy him forever. The Serpent's venom shall prove in vain, an empty substance.

The Philosophy Of Will Scene I

(in heaven with Jehovah, Jesus and Satan discussing amongst other angels the establishment of Earth)
Jehovah: Welcome my firstborns of all Creation, a privilege for all is in your midst, for in six phases we, by my guidance, will take energy of our cosmos and transform it into mass then into free will agents of organic life.
Satan: Why would it take six phases?
Jehovah: Because the interlocking elements must arrive in their proper sequence to support these free agents
Satan: What's so free about these so called "free agents" if we must build such a delicate universe for them? Are they supposed to be more glorious than us? Are we not free agents?
Jesus: Listen, every act in the creating process must be handled delicately in a matter of proper sequence; does not your objection take some form of structure even if the structure isn't soundly based in reason?
Satan: Is it wrong, Jesus, to question Jehovah?
Jesus: No, to question is to learn, but interrogation is a vain test of divinity if you chose not to understand.
Satan: If I am ignorant can it be my own fault? Or wouldn't the liability lie with He who created me?
Jesus: All Creation is made with something to obtain for, to strive for.
Satan: So that God will always laud over all Creation that He is the greatest and wisest?
Jesus: How can He who knows everything be capable of making one wiser than himself? For all there is to know originates from Him that originates all.
Satan: We could have been equals.
Jesus: It means more for us that God treats us as equals.
Satan: Does He? Then where do our suggestions go?
Jehovah: What I was about to suggest for you is that we create man in our image, a corporal representation of our Divine Spirits and we shall call it a soul.
Satan: I would suggest a test to see whether these souls are fit to exist, whether they are worthy of free will, a simple test of faith. If Jehovah is wise He will create beings that would recognize His wisdom therefore place a restriction without cause or reason and tell the free agents they must abstain for the sake of their existence, if they choose to disobey they shall be destroyed and me the victor.
Jehovah: What about the offspring?
Satan: What offspring?
Jesus: Didn't see that coming did you?
Jehovah: One of the main features of this new Creation is its own proliferation so that they can recreate themselves in billions of unique forms all glorifying the diversity of Creation itself so the glory of Creation shall never cease ever, but as regards to this test Satan let it be that the man that fails this test shall be condemned but you are all witnesses to the accusation and exhilaration of my Creation in that man shall not be wiped from this Earth.

Poetry Post (John's) 316

Failure Of The System
What culture rewards the pure and wise
Territorial brute force always steals the prize
Easy conquests runs the machines of our enterprise
As leaders die by integrity or live by compromise
Catering to the forces that demoralise
And blinds the heart of society's eyes
So that we see but can't recognize
The evil that we publicize

Nomadic Parasites
My heart is a nomadic parasite
Camping on a new prospect every night
I'm looking for something symbiotic
But finding a host is too chaotic
It's not that I can't earn my right to live
I have a lot of assets I'm ready to give
But I don't have the gift of adaptability
So in the jungle of love I'm a liability
So sleeping like a bat in a cave
I worry only about my own soul to save

Dreams Undetermined
When I dream of you
And all the things you do
I can see how you nurture and care
And I feel the dark strains of your softly coarse hair
And I hear you converse so intellectually wise
As I stare into your gentle piercing almond eyes
And from lips soft and full to my tender touch
I hear you stand firm to the beliefs that mean so much
But we can still share our disguarding wit
And enjoy the laughter and the sight of your cheeks fully lit
One day I shall rest my head on your tight muscular thighs
And trace its curavceous fruit without a sense of compromise
One day love will make us vulnerable
But sacred vows of monogamy will keep it honorable
And no restraints on our passion's fire
Except to be as the other one's desire
But is this true love or a dirty fetish
An honorable goal or a selfish wish
But I believe its love even if we're yet to meet
Because what I see in my mind is all that's concrete

Poetry Post 315

Twine Of Motives
A war is waging between my thoughts and feelings
Layered in a mesh its hard to pull the peelings
Good and bad motives seem outside and within
I can't reach my heart to see where to begin
In life so lost with confusion
Perhaps morals are merely an illusion

My Father
The man who raised me to know wrong from right
Is getting old and losing his foresight
In the war of life he's giving up the fight
He felt he needed to lead and command
I would have followed his lending leading hand
But what I really needed of him he couldn't understand
I just wanted someone who would listen and care
And try his hardest to always be there
And he succeeded but was not aware
We lived to have the other's approval
Only to be devastated by the other's removal
Giving in to death's unforgiving reproval

I may have not always been good
But I've been everything I could
It's hard wandering looking for where I came
When so many forks in the road all look the same
And every wrong turn is another disgrace
With another road you have to retrace
So each wrong brings more unraveling
Making a vain journey of life I've been traveling

The Philosophy Of Will

My new 6 scene miniplay is a Biblical based work that I worked out based on the question about faith that puzzles me the most. What is free will? How the concept seems to so different from Jehovah's and Satan's perspective. Whether it is real or not? Whether it is a good thing or not? The play is these ideas being talked out in my head assigning the thoughts to what I think is God's and Satan's point of view and resolving within myself how I really feel about the issue as far as I can understand it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

New TV Show Idea: Bible Tested

This idea for a tv show is for the History Channel specifically and it's called Bible Tested. It's about putting extraordinary Biblical texts (Old and New Testament the canonical 66 books) into context and figured what is meant by the writings and seeing if there is literal truth or a symbolic meaning and seeing the truth that was meant to be seen in the Holy Scriptures. For example a first season guide:
1) The Flood- look into the measurements of the Ark see if it was practical in making and also in surviving a world deluge based on the material and structure of it described in the Bible and whether the ancestral parents of all Earth's land animals could fit inside.
2) The Ark Of The Covenant- looking into what this key structure of the Old Testament would look like and what was it's functional and symbolic significance the meaning of the colored threads, gold bearrings stones and recurrent numeric themes
3) The Garden Of Eden- looking into where it would have likely been by the 4 rivers and where they meet up testing the geologically and geographically location of it while contemplating whether it was before or after the continents drift. Whether a debate over Asia, Africa or Europe being the birth of civilization would make sense if the Garden only existed on the super continent Pangaea
4) City of Sodom- contemplating where it was and what happened and what were the specific sins that supposedly destroyed including how it originated the term Sodomy and what its original meaning was as well as understanding it's accusations of pedophilia, rape, bestiality, xenophobia and a cruel violent militia
5) The Whale Of Jonah- understanding the probability of a whale being in the Mediterranean Sea during a storm that would swallow Jonah and carry him 3 days before throwing him up and why would Nineveh scare Jonah that much and why it would it end up being forgiven by God
6) The Writing On The Wall- looking at how Biblical history and secular history collided at the Persians taking over Babylon in a single night and whether they match up reliably
7) The Genesis- looking into the sequence of the Creation Account and whether it agrees with what science describes as the beginning of Earthly life and whether the Account is literal or symbolic in the term "days"
8) The World Of Isaiah- Looking at what the world under the Prince of Peace would mean and whether heavenly or earthly and whether real or symbolic specifically the texts of "beat their swords into plowshares" "no resident will say I am sick" "the lamb shall lie down with the lion" "He did not create it merely for nothing"
9) The Four Horsemen- looking into what are the details of the End and seeing whether it is an End or a New Beginning taking a historical and sociological view of how the first horseman would lead to the next and what this implies about future events and how they would differ from other catastrophes or whether it would go by at first undetected
10) The Day The Sun Stood Still- is there an astronomical account of an extended Earth day or whether this could happen and why does it say the Sun stood still when it always does was it ignorance or simplified metaphor for current civilization's own understanding.
11) The Matriarchal Line- looking at the female ancestral line of Jesus and why such women were part of the lineage of the Divine Seed; Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary
12) The Circumcision- What was it's significance and was it self-mutilation or a medical procedure
13) The Kosher Diet- looking at its practicality and whether it was knowable to any other civilization at the time and whether it is an overall truly above average dietary law
14) Blood Fire and Water- What Judaic law had to say about hygiene and how it was practical and how it predated Hippocrates' theories which would confirm it's law

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No Offense Taken "Annual Contracts"

(a national reservation park office with the head of human resources and a worker)
Mr. Milton: Hello Ahmed
Ahmed: Hi Mr. Milton, what is it you wanted to talk to me about? Pardon the informality I'm just nervous because I heard this wasn't going to go well.
Mr. Milton: Probably. The reason why I called you in is because of your annual contracts you have to sign to continue working in a government funded enterprise.
Ahmed: Yes I signed it.
Mr. Milton: Well this is about a particular article of the contract.
Ahmed: Which one?
Mr. Milton: Do remember signing a confirmation that you Ahmed are not a terrorist nor have you ever given money to any terrorist organization or charity?
Ahmed: Yes that's on everybody's contracts, right?
Mr. Milton: Probably
Ahmed: Probably?
Mr. Milton: I don't write the contracts we contract that work over to Saudi Arabia.
Ahmed: Saudi Arabia?
Mr. Milton: A British company based in India. Anyway the problem is you signed the conformation that you are not a terrorist.
Ahmed: So the problem is...
Mr. Milton: You did exactly as a terrorist would do.
Ahmed: By signing that I am not a terrorist.
Mr. Milton: Yes terrorists are very tricky people they wouldn't just say they were a terrorist.
Ahmed: So if I didn't sign I would still have a job?
Mr. Milton: I will neither conform nor deny that, in case you try to apply to another government funded job. Now if you don't mind that man in the long overcoat will escort to your car.
Ahmed: I came by bus
Mr. Milton: I'm sorry I meant he will escort you to an undisclosed location (another man walks in) Hello Mr. Marin welcome to human resources I'm here to train you on your new job as I am about to retire.
Mr. Marin: You guys hire aliens.
Mr. Milton: Yes, most of them legal.
Mr. Marin: What if you guys were to hire actual aliens.
Mr. Milton: What about it?
Mr. Marin: Well would it still be called human resources.
Mr. Milton: Do you smoke pot Mr. Marin.
Mr. Marin: Yes
Mr. Milton: Okay