Sunday, May 22, 2011

Poetry Post 330

Black Girls Rock
Boldly moving forward never shrinking back
Lacking nothing to keep herself on track
Always carrying on as Mother To The Earth
Caring for those who don't see her worth
Keeping the faith for the family
Guarding against the evils that may be
In touch with everyone else's needs
Responding caringly as she still bleeds
Libeled for the good she does to others
Shunned by those calling themselves brothers
Raising children and men in every class of society
Ostracized by all those in debt to her generosity
Campassionate leaders held down as humble mates
Kept in place by misogynist fates

Battles Of Hearts
Stuck behind another hump
Just another obstacle to jump
Another feat to have to trump
Try to make friends because the more the merrier
But the more you try to know the tighter the barrier
Commitments a disease I'm just the carrier
So I try to prove my character's honoable
By being open, honest and vulnerable
But Some circumstances are inalterable

Standing outside your front door
Wondering why we don't hang out anymore
This turn feels so strange
I didnt even feel a change
I'm lost and you're telling me to go
Lost for words to ask for what I need to know
Where, when, why, how did it all go wrong
You know this is the only place I belong
Clueless to my offense
I'm left in the world without defense