Thursday, February 26, 2009

Poetry Post 95

Free Will & Common Sense
God endowed us with the gift of free will
So that we may do as we will
Common sense rules us still
Don't run into the flames of the fire of the Devil
So if Satan offers you a bet
Taking it will be your surest regret
For once you've seen your match is met
Your soul is his to get

Pay It Forward
You'll never get anything free if no one ever gives free
So it might as well start with you and me
The Golden Rule needs to take action
To live life with satisfaction

My Campaign
I fear nor pledge allegiance to any man
Nothing earthly shall change a single plan
It doesn't matter who's the President
I shall accomplish all that I was meant
I have battles yet to be won
No matter what's in the way I will see my work done
This is not a vain Messiah Complex
My will is too strong to be vexed
I shall continue my campaign of Christian ideals
To teach social liberation and ecological conservation is real
(written in 2004 I was feeling down that the war still going on now wouldn't end)

Poetry Post 94

Faded Dreams
Faded dreams laying everywhere
Things I wanted to do but couldn't dare
Lost is my will and inspiration
Lying in quiet desperation
The dreams die so slowly
It goes unknowingly
It's gone and my life's wasted away
As I reach closer to my final day

Dead Beat Dad
Dear father you've always been a jerk
It's your fault our family never could work
You blamed us for starving but never taught us how to fish
It's like our worst misery is your greatest wish
You live as if you were the definition of Right
But all you ever were was simply uptight
Dad you could never relate
All you ever wanted was to judge and hate
You threw us in the water and watched us drown
Dead beat dads at least don't stay to look down

No Progress (Haiku)
Progress immobile
Chained trapped here feeling hostile
There is no escape

Poetry Post 93

Destined Love
The man and the woman need each other that's how it is designed to be
There's nothing wrong with me needing you or you needing me
Two birds can fly together and still be free
You shouldn't deny the desire of your heart
Your innate needs you showed from the start
Humans were not meant to be set apart
There is no harm in trying to find
Someone with the same frame of mind
So two together will be one of a kind
Nothing about it is demeaning
You're still a valuable human not a worthless thing
It is simply a symbol of love that gives you this ring

Soulmates are man made not God created
By people who feel closer than if they were related
It is a bond of intimate passion
And a bond of intimate compassion
Something of spirituality
Something of sexuality
But most of all something of unity
Something that leads me to understand you and you to understand me


You took my gold
No thank you told
You, who was enchanted
Took my love for granted
Everything I give you have taken
My love and trust you've forsaken

Volume 92 of Poetry

Everything that defines me
Is all that confines me
My vast CD collection
Is sensory protection
My defenses dull and numb
From Asperger's Syndrome
My only outlet
Comes as a poet
But no one reads the press
Of a Jehovah's Witness

The Storm
Hiding in my basement room
Trying to hide from the thunder and wind
Never seeing the world above
Just keep hiding again and again
Crash, swish, bam, crackle, boom, swoosh
Too dangerous to go up above
So I hide in this hole in the ground
But I come up to a world without love
Years I spent under the ground
Confident in this lonely shell
The storm has now been long over
Now living where the loveless people dwell

Musical Drugs
My hands shake like the beating of my empty heart
Never deciding where to go or where to start
The soundtrack of my heart plays in my mind with the synchronizing of my pulse
Pumping this placebo in my veins finding the hope is false
I just float with the melody
Soothing my tormented mentality
Only to vamp my vital signs on velocity and volume
Distortion of the chords that bind foreshadow my doom
Musical stimulants and depressants playing with my head
What does it matter if I won't get out of bed

Poetry Post 91

World Sold Out
Commercials have celebrities endorsing stores
Religions have God endorsing wars
Politicians have American endorsing them
Fashion has sex to endorse their ever changing whim
It seems more things sell out
Than they speak out
A generation with so many voices
A generation with so few choices


The evil powers that be push for warfare
As the crooked and greedy take the needy's welfare
Busy and indifferent parents leave their kids in a day care
This is the society that sets the standard of fair

Opium Of The Masses
Pornography is the new opium of the masses
Appeasing the oppressed classes
No other ideals need be expressed
Masturbation calms the stressed
With the working class self simulating intercourse
The Bourgeois are free to be their worse
Pleasure with no need for purpose or worth
So the powers that be can rule and ruin the Earth

Poetry Post 90

Eluding Danger III
Times are getting stranger
Getting harder to elude the danger
Harder to learn how to manage
Harder to deal with the damage
Taking three leaps to stay one step ahead
Taking a rest at a slower pace will lead you dead
Just escaping a series of unfortunate events
Solving and surviving problems are just ongoing accomplishments

Rock N Roll Angels
This is for Dylan, Lennon, Waters, and Cobain
To the harp playing angels who identify with my pain
The road I walk in changin' times
You've guided me through with fabled rhymes
Igniting the Revolution of Imagination
I needed no fear of any man's nation
You were there when I came to call
Connected not parted by a common "wall"
And with "tender age in bloom"
You carried the burden of my sorrows and my gloom

Where I Belong
Take me back to where I belong
Where all day long
We sing our silly love song
In a world without war
And crime survives no more
And where love can endure

Poetry Post 89 (something to keep me going)

Looking among the vast space
No destruction from the human race
Life is all in peace and harmony
Stay there for all time yet more to see
The fresh breeze is reassuring
The painful world I'm ignoring
All God created is all I need
No more of the world of greed
Everything so fresh and new
Nothing mere chance could do
The flower beds are where I lie
There I live, stay and die

My Backyard
I look across the grass so green
Seeing trees and flowers across the field
All the beauty of God's dear painting brush
Looking at the beauty that doesn't yield
I must thank Jehovah God for this day
I don't want this memory to fade away
When bad times strike again
My backyard will be just like a friend

My Bike Ride II
Going back to the adventurous trail
Getting back on my bike to ride
I am free from my emotional jail
The tears are gone where once I cried
I will go where my bike takes me
I will ride pass my fear and pain
On my bike like a bird I'm free
I'll keep riding to free my brain