Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Poetry Post 162

Divine Loyalty
I was thinking about Jesus and His Father
Wondering why they even bothered
Why do they continue to walk by our side
When all we know is selfish pride
Is there anything from us that they could gain
What's the motive for their loyalty to maintain
In a world that's forgotten what's fair
Why do they choose to care
Then I look at those who say God's on their side
Then I wonder why does God hide
I look at the world wondering where God went
The Father and The Son are gone without a clue or hint
You can see Jesus with Nicodemus and Mary Madeline
But God doesn't walk with those calling themselves Christian
For God chooses to walk with those in doubt
Over the pious crowd who have it all figured out
He shuns those who proudly proclaim to submit to God's Kingdom
But then control their neighbor's conscience under their thumb

Tossed and turned and thrown about
Locked in a room with no window out
No solution to my situation
Always running into a complication

Fear consumes as I'm drained of empathy
Pushing out all emotion purging myself into vulnerability
Shivering for fears, tears for sorrow
I will be emotionally dead tomorrow
For today all worries and concerns erupt violently pass the surface
Throwing fits of all feelings finding tomorrow is going to be a numb place

My new Psychological Hybrid Theory

It was some years ago since I last took a psychology class about 2005 but I often think about the concepts of the various schools of psychological thought and being a person who likes clear classification and identification have been wanting to verify a precise label as to what I am in psychological politics/creed spectrum.
So after years of meditation on this issue and much discussion with friends and associates I have a name for my theory of psychology
Neuro-Cognitive Humanistic Behavioralism
It is if you can't tell broken down into 4 previously existing theories of psychology and I'll explain to what extent each part plays in the whole of my concept
Part I Neurological Psychology
A) Dopamine Theory of Schizophrenia supporting the primary issue of schizophrenia is biologically treatable with medication but also that a balance is needed to keep from a contriving a mental illness Parkinson's Disease from an opposite situation of dopamine
B) Serotonin Theory of Elation supporting the concept that pleasure is strongly physiological explaining why what is pleasure is strongly universal and pleasure being drug oriented and caused by various forms of mental/neurological oriented behavior

Part II Cognitive Psychology
A) Beck's Negative Cognitive Triad supporting depression comes from a circular self-defeating logic rooted in doubts of self, society and future
B) Piaget's Stages Of Cognitive Development supporting humans go through stages of intellectual understanding and sound reasoning although no two people grow at the same rate cognitively

Part III Humanistic Psychology
A) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs supporting the concept that people grow toward a less hedonistic and highly evolved form of pleasure
B) Client Centered Therapy supporting the concept of friendly assistance in a supportive atmosphere provides the best probability of helping those in need (within the reasonableness that the client wants to truly improve)

Part IV Behavioral Psychology
A) Pavlovian Effect supporting that conditioning one variable to be related to a seemingly unrelated other variable causes an otherwise inexplicable connection to be formed with the two variables by the observer of the two variables
B) Conditional Reinforcement supporting the concept that one learns what is good and bad social behaviors by authoritarian assistance via parent, police, teacher etc showing more sophisticated and moral forms of behavior leading to more significant forms of happiness helping them achieve the humanistic view of self-actualization

These theories combined explains social order, morality and pleasure in the best way intellectually possible in my very humbled opinion as I am by no means an expert in these areas but take an avid interest in these and hope to be a cause to a higher understanding of these issues

Poetry Post 161

Darkest Phase
The Earth is seeing darker days
As the path it takes strays
From the warmth of the Sun's rays
Hidden under the clouds our potential stays
As the thunder of anguish cries out and prays
As the rain of tears tries to erode Earth's evil ways
As the Earth hits its darkest phase

Agape, phileo, storge and eros
The meaning of no one truly knows
But that's the way love goes
What happened to humans striving for humanity
What happened to brothers striving for their community
What happened to families striving for peace and unity
What happened to spouses striving for monogamy
It all died with decent society

Don't let the persecutor within
Make you succumb to sin
Guilt might as well not exist
If addictions persist

Poetry Post 160

War And Jah
Those with Jah know no cause for war
For there is no cause worth killing for
We choose to imitate the Prince of Peace
Silently waiting for the Day war will cease
In times of war there is only one way to find certainty
Is through Jah's way of purity

Church Sins
Making a profit off the Prophets
The clergy give the church commercial glitz
Selling a pocketful of hope
To each gullible dope
Saying salvation comes from race and vague belief
Believing those lies gives vague relief
God becomes an obscure commercial logo
And the church is just a traveling show

Truth & Light

We all live in Dark where there is no light
Who can say who is wrong or who is right
You can never really say that you know me
Only the light you project is all you'll see

Poetry Collection 159

Solo To Soul Mate
Alone but not lonely is better than a crowd of anxiety
If you can break through the desire and depression
You can build a Utopian one man society
Alone there's peace with no transgression
Look within yourself and see what you need in a soul mate
Then you're ready to depart solitude for matrimony
And find someone else and another Utopia to recreate
And together you can make sure you're never lonely

Separated Hearts
Absence makes one heart grow fonder
But makes another heart wander
Which makes the first heart ponder
Is the bond gonna last
One side keeps the kinship hoping the other does the same
Knowing a lost relationship only leaves misery and blame
By faith we leave our heart with our lover's name
In love we hope for the future not to lament the past

Tribulation Survival
Does solitude build fortitude
Is isolation a preparation
For things to come
Even the sturdiest rock can't withstand the aftershock
Could I set myself free of the troubles that be
Whether the pain be internally or externally rooted from