Monday, June 29, 2009

Poetry Post 310 (next to last peotry blogpost!!!!)

I mop up other people's small problems like a dish rag
I take other people's hostility like a punching bag
I help acquaintances worse off than me
But my "true friends" are my worst enemy
Acquaintances see me as a gentleman they can trust
Friends look at me like I'm a slave of lust
My acquaintances I can confide in when I'm hurt
But at home I'm a rejected pervert
Sinners of lust are punished by sinners of wrath
Defense mechanisms of guilt deter my path
As I defend an already bruised ego
For those who don't even half know

Road To Conquering
How hard is hard enough
The road to recovery is too rough
The battle is my own
So I have to conquer it alone
I don't want others to get in the fight
Even if it may seem right
I can't carry this heavy load covered in fears
With the faces of disgust, misunderstanding, pity and tears
Dragging behind me all day and all night
If I go alone I alone lose the fight

(this poem was in part from being falsely accused of something terrible and not having anyone who believed me by my side at the time because it sounded like something I would do and other parts about the general disapproval I felt from various adult authorities for going through puberty)
Capital Punishment
Joey has been a bad boy today
Let's take all his pride and joy away
Let's tear his flesh and break his bones apart
Let's fry his brain and freeze his broken heart
This punishment is still too low
For a boy with a libido
When did he become such a sick pervert
Joey deserves to get himself hurt
What good in the world has come out of being in love
Though it was divinely created from God above
It is only a myth that there is a beauty of birth
We were not commanded to populate the entire Earth

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