Sunday, May 31, 2009

Poetry Post 279

Every human has a right to life, liberty and freedom and each man is equal in these rights but if this concept was applied to blacks it would be called a privilege or special rights That's Doublethink
You say Merry Christmas in spite of Kwanzaa and Hanukkah saying Jesus is the reason for the season as Santa comes down your chimney That's Doublethink
Cops killing claiming self-defense and get off free while suspects are killed by cop or jury anytime they depend on self reliance for protection That's Doublethink
Guns are a constitutional right but if you're black we're gonna watch your ass That's Doublethink
Land of the free where pedophiles live freely in the suburbs and blacks are segregated by economy to the ghettos That's Doublethink
Corporate war mongering Christians blaming everything on Jews and Muslims That's Doublethink
Censorship of this debate That's Doublethink

Rock The Church Pews (tribute to the Beatles via "Rock The Casbah" style)
The clergy told their faithful church
Beware of a demon on the lurch
Hold up your pick ax and your torch
The parish stirred the flock
To burn the demon they called rock
The faithful were fearful and shocked
They were scared of what they didn't hear
They lived in constant fear
That the beginning of a Commie end was near
What they couldn't forbid they'd ban
They called it demonic and unAmerican
The deacons couldn't understand
The youth couldn't relate
To a gospel preaching hate
And they forgot the collection plate
And then overnight
The "four horsemen" took flight
And John and Paul spoke again saying not to fight
And Lennon was right with the words he'd choose
The battle the deacons would lose
Cause like the casbah they rock the rock the church pews

Passive Hatred
Where's your rebel yell
Can't you tell
We're living in hell
Commentators everywhere scream and shout
Talking of lives that they know nothing about
Always wanting to watch out but not find out
Leaving people living in fear and doubt
People ignoring the solution
As long as they can peddle the pollution
Greed and hatred leading the way to social devolution
We are dying from hatred
As long as we keep ourselves isolated
While keeping our brothers discriminated
Causing the world to be slowly desecrated

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