Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Poetry Post 194

In Defense Of Michael Moore
You cover my mouth with your hand
While your head's hiding in the sand
You don't want someone at the mic
Exposing truths you don't like
You do not want to look beyond the illusion
Fearing failure of faith left you in confusion
The macrosystem will have an eruption
Once I show the proof of their corruption
"Please tell me there's corporate employee loyalty
Please tell me money does not make American royalty
Please let our guns protect us from the messenger
Please help guard us from the dark strangers"
Your hopes are vain
Leaving only pain
Our world is too gullible
If they think they're infallible

Land & Power
People want the world and something to lean on
People want everything not caring where it will go when they're gone
People want the world on command
But their mortal dust will return to the land
Why do they yearn for what they cannot control
Why should Earth be bind by a mortal man's soul
The massive collectives of ecosystems are collectively delicate
Too much to be under control by a man's estate

Society's Obsession
Fear is our society's obsession
To distract they use repression
Those who resist meet oppression
As the rest hide in regression
When they're afraid to do more
Society will start to ignore
If they can't do anything about it
Through denial they'll refuse to admit
But how long can we last
Trust ideals dead long past
Even with nothing else to do
They're still afraid of the new
But they'd rather live in their pollution
Than take up a new solution

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