Monday, May 11, 2009

Movie Outline Black Cyrano

Genre: Romantic Tragedy
Plot: a dark skinned African American who faces harsher prejudices than other kids in his neighborhood who either racial role play or assimilate to the masses tries to prove himself with intellect and a shell like warrior instincts. He becomes a member of a radical African movement Kush. A friend of his however falls in love with the woman he desires. Knowing her parents would never approve of him he helps his friend get her so they can be happy and safe.
Chuck Riddinaire-the Black Cyrano poverty level (dark skin)
Rochelle Mitchell-the object of Chuck's affection middle class (light skin)
Carlton Smith- straight laced middle class African American who loves Rochelle (light skin)
Scene Sequence:
1) Wide shot of the urban streets of Detroit featuring crack users, smokers, prostitution, gambling, cops beating vagrants and a studious young boy named Chuck becoming cynical of the powers that be
2) An older Chuck studying African history and American history in a run down inner city library
3) A sixteen year old Chuck preaches against institutionalized racism in real estate, banks, government agencies and the media in the streets he walked
4) A small army is recruited and called Kush
5) An unauthorized public rally with a speech on "America's Breech Of Contract" followed by an arrest, public riot and escape
6) Spectator Rochelle gives Chuck a place to hide and an intellectually stimulating conversation
7) Parents come home and see Chuck in camouflage and berate him loudly while he fights back with the 20 one uppers
8) Rochelle meets Carlton at the next rally the following day on the other side of town and Chuck is caught
9) Chuck calls Rochelle and she says she needs to say something to him in private
10) Pleads no contest and let off with a fine he won't be able to pay
11) Rochelle talks to Chuck about meeting Carlton
12) Carlton is in Kush and Chuck makes him his right hand man telling him about Rochelle's feelings for him
13) Chuck sends Carlton with him on a vigilante inspection to find any form of discrimination on Main Street
14) On Main Street they harass police officers who randomly stopped one of twenty dozen speeders who happened to be black
15) Chuck is forced to do jail time while Carlton's family bails him out forcing Carlton to lead Kush
16) Distraught about the plight of the lower class blacks Carlton drops out of community college to focus full time on Kush
17) Carlton delays dating Rochelle because he lacks the passion to express himself
18) Carlton awkwardly leads Kush trying to stir up passion
19) Kush nearly disintegrates after a progression of low morale
20) Carlton sees a homeless man getting beat up by the police for drunk and disorderly conduct and he nearly walks by until his conscience condemns him for ignoring it and defends the homeless man nearly gets himself arrested
21) A stirring speech is given inciting Kush to get hold of the media by vigilante defense of police brutality victims
22) Proven his passion Carlton dates Rochelle having her parent's approval
23) National media starts covering the demonstrations
24) Chuck is released and heads Kush by taking a more deliberate and strategic method
25) Carlton asks Rochelle to marry him
26) Chuck and Carlton are set to appear on the news to discuss Kush's stand
27) Cops discuss the power for greater restraint on citizens with city council and is formed into Proposition 311
28) Proposition 311 is advertised round the clock on talk radio and prime time television
29) Proposition 311 passes with a landslide due to high turn out uptown
30) Policemen entrap Chuck and Carlton by staging a beating ending with shooting Carlton in self-defense
31) Chuck makes on the air to make a martyr out of Carlton
32) Kush becomes national
33) Chuck is offered a scholarship by the ACLU
34) Rochelle thanks Chuck for making Carlton as passionate as him and Chuck confesses his desire for her and points out he is now a contributing respectable citizen by her parents own standards

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