Monday, March 23, 2009

Poetry Post 150

Divine Patience & Love
I love you Jehovah but how long can I hold on
Waiting to save those tomorrow while those of yesterday are long gone
How am I to hold on to your love when all I feel is solitude
If sin gives pleasure and righteousness pain how can I maintain the proper Christian attitude
You are aware and forgiving of our state of weakness
Yet something bars me from feeling bless
How could mortal man fight sin and discouragement raging in the same soul
Knowing both are ever present can only hypocrites say they have it under control
This internal struggle perpetuates eternal strife
Had your Kingdom come years ago I could have seen eternal life

Lovers Trust
I can never love until I can trust
That's why my hopes return to the dust
Because I can't even trust myself to truest my peers
My love is inhibited by my doubts and fears
Is there any accountable who would count on me
What worthy person would tolerate my company
If I can't trust myself who else can I trust in my life
And if they were worthy of my trust they would deserve more than my strife

Fashion Morality
Morality is not fascism it's fashion
Dress liberal or conservative it all depends on the season
It's more about popularity than compassion
Every cause is an effect of a former cause regardless of reason
Let your bumper stickers and ribbons preach your philosophy
But picket signs and petitions are just out of place anymore
Don't worry about living up to the standards of the charity
Just dress in the morals and learn the slang of the subculture

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