Monday, June 1, 2009

Poetry 282

A Path Found
Tracking through the wilderness land
With my imprints on the swamp and sand
Clear testaments to the path I chose
To uncharted land that no one knows
Trailblazer of today
Taking a path my own way
Careful to make sure the trail I lead is just
Not just to get lost and return to dust
Watchful for my final destination
That I spend forever not for temporary recreation

The Ten Commandments Of Brotherhood
Get in touch with the less fortunate
Always give more than what you get
Never harm God's beauty around you
Never live a lie, always be true
Take care of each other
Always love one another
Be faithful to your mate
Never act on hate
Never be materialistic or vain
Be true to God, always keep him in your heart, soul and brain

Ebony IX
Ebony the last time I saw you I gave you my heart
But since then the erosion of time has split us apart
For you there is very little I wouldn't do
But it's been so long I might not recognize you
People use to recognize us as a pair
Now they're all asking why you aren't there
Without you I don't feel whole
Like worn out shoes missing their sole
I only speak of your name in my prayer
But what's the use if you can't hear when you're not there
Just to see your face I dwell in fantasy
But others seem to feel I lost my sanity
But without you pain and apathy is all I ever feel
Without you there is no point in anything real

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