Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Movie Outline Brotherhood Of Heathens

Genre: Social Drama
Ruth Inglewood- African native women who weds the missionary Charles Inglewood
Charles Inglewood-zealous American Catholic missionary sent to Africa to do preaching work
Natalie Inglewood-xenophobic religious fanatic mother of Charles
A Catholic missionary from Boston is sent to Nigeria to convert the natives despite his maternally inherited xenophobia and piety but falls in love with a native named Amachi who he "christens" Ruth and marries after months of being apart from his home. Charles talks constantly to Ruth about how wonderful and free America is and how righteous Catholics are. He fails to get a church established there and remains embittered about it. During his stay in Nigeria he dies of pneumonia and when the Catholic Church sent him his ticket back to Boston Ruth gathered her few possessions and a passport made out to her from what little money Charles had left with him at the time of his death. When in America she is disillusioned about the hypocrisy and the hatred especially from her mother-in-law and goes through a spiritual odyssey studying Western religions to even greater disapproval from the indifferent pastors. In the end she feels alienated and misses the communal love she had in her poor Nigerian village.
Scene Sequence:
1) Charles' work from alter boy to missionary school
2) Mother's warning about foreigners and old wives tales about other cultures
3) A "tamer more politically correct" warning from missionary school
4) Ordained missionary with first assignment for three years in Nigeria
5) Worried nights waiting for departure
6) An anxious flight boarding
7) Meeting a few other missionaries in the village with advice of don't make your work your life
8) Over zealous speech to natives about hellfire, the papacy, the rosary, Armageddon, cross, confession, infant baptism and the sanctity of the trinity
9) Cultural barriers eating with Nigerians
10) Trouble getting conversions
11) Meeting Amachi at a low count meeting
12) Meeting Amachi for a date and christen her as Ruth
13) Long arduous days of preaching
14) Long lonely nights
15) Charles dates Ruth more and Ruth asks to help out
16) Catholic church endorses a tribal war blessing the more "convertible" side luckily the village Charles is in
17) Tragic epic destruction harms both tribes
18) Conversions are getting harder as Jehovah's Witnesses make sweeping progress through down trodden areas helping after natives volunteering to rebuild both villages
19) Ruth stands by Charles and helps build a church
20) A proposal
21) A small wedding American style
22) The missionaries of Jehovah's Witnesses leave after construction and rebuilding help is done and a few congregations are established taking their equipment and medicine elsewhere
23) Charles spends long winter days and nights working in the missionary work door to door
24) Charles lays sick with pneumonia in bed without medication available but with the last rites given
25) An open ticket home to Boston
26) Ruth gathers up a passport and goes to the airport a hundred miles away
27) Prejudices leave her disillusioned about land of opportunity
28) Meeting her in laws with a bad reception
29) Scorn at Mass leaves feeling betrayed by her departed husband
30) Studying other religions
31) Pastors got to her about her "religious curiosity" and she by her decision to the point of excommunication
32) Ruth studies with Jehovah's Witnesses
33) Ruth has trouble adapting to the rules of Jehovah's Witnesses and has trouble feeling connected as she did with the Catholics
34) Ruth decides to disassociate herself from all religious ties but now realizes there is no way home again physically mentally or spiritually

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