Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Philosophy Of Will Scene III

(In heaven with Satan talking with the other angels around 800 years later)
Satan: Look at them Zeus, just look at them.
Zeus: Yeah what about then?
Satan: Just look
Zeus: Yeah
Satan: What do you see?
Zeus: Some of Jehovah's finest work
Satan: What's so special about it? They live off of the oxygen provided by the plants they have to eat, how inefficient is that? Not only do they have to live on plants if they take too many or too few they would die. Slaves to moderation. And their means of reproduction! Starfish have a more practical means of reproduction.
Zeus: I'm sure man is thankful for their means of reproduction
Satan: I'm not denying that it's the one good thing about being a man
Zeus: The food's nice too
Satan: The fruit of the tree is nothing compared to the fruit of a should try it.
Zeus: Have you ever tried it?
Satan: Yes of course
Zeus: When? With whom?
Satan: Her, yesterday.
Zeus: How?
Satan: Possession.
Zeus: You raped?
Satan: Sex is sex, one can't be worse than the other, but if you want to experience consensual sex you could just transform yourself into a man and try wooing her yourself.
Zeus: I can transform myself into a man and have sex with the women of the Earth?
Satan: Yes if you become the right sort of man who can attract women.
Zeus: How do you do that?
Satan: How does a hunter attract its prey but by dominance, the predator must overpower.
Zeus: So I should be a mighty man?
Satan: But pleasing too, to look at, you need confidence to match your sense of entitlement.
Zeus: That sounds wrong?
Satan: Aren't we all entitled? Everyman to his field, his family and his woman.
Zeus: God did make it so?
Satan: At least for them, not for us.
Zeus: Yeah why not?
Satan: God knows why?
Zeus: Well I'm going to find out what we're missing out on.
(Zeus leaves stage with a few angels)
Satan: Yes even if Enoch proved faithful losing some of heaven's best should show God's foolishness. Freewill is merely an illusion.
(Jesus enters)
Jesus: Freewill is most certainly not an illusion, you of all angels should know, you abuse it so often.
Satan: And you think you can speak of freewill? Have you ever had a thought of your own tuition?
Jesus: Did I not help make the heavens and Earth?
Satan: But everything you did you took no credit for until now, why?
Jesus: I do not deny the masterwork I took part in creating but I certainly do not hinder giving the greater glory to He who lead it all and designed the functions and initiated the project from its conception.
Satan: You are the manufacturer He is the inventor, He leads the tune and you just play along in harmony but what acts of your own do you do?
Jesus: Succumbing to peer pressure is not exercising freewill.
Satan: And how is obedience done by freewill? You do as you're told and where does that put your "divinely given" freewill?
Jesus: All things are permissible but not all things are wise. Without attaining wisdom what good is freewill?
Satan: What good is freewill? Were not Adam and Eve created wise?
Jesus: They didn't seek wisdom.
Satan: And now no man does. They are all driven by impulse.
Jesus: Abel, Enoch and even now as the Nephilim roam there is still Noah.
Satan: It's over the floodgates are open.
Jesus: Jehovah did not make Earth in vain. I'm aware of God's displeasure and even as the Nephilim grows God shall protect Noah. Zeus is just another one of your recruits but it only takes one witness to expose your slander and there will always be one.

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